Legal texts

Hotel Valle de Arco's booking conditions

Hotel Valle de Arco offers you important information to make your stay as complete as possible in every way:

The reception will be available for any question uninterrupted from 08:00 to 22:00 in low season

and from 08:00 to 23:00 in medium and high season.

  1. There may be changes in the reception hours at times of low occupancy, which will be duly informed to the interested parties.

Of 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., in the lounge-cafeteria, floor 0, next to reception.

Adult prices: 10 euros

Price children up to 11 years: 6 euros

We recommend booking your breakfast before your arrival at the hotel. Consult our offers with accommodation and breakfast.

From 08:00 to 22:00 in low season

From 08:00 to 23:00 in Medium and High Season

There may be changes in the cafeteria service hours at times of low occupancy, which will be duly informed to the interested parties

Failure to comply with this rule will lead to immediate eviction from the hotel.

Failure to comply with this rule will lead to immediate eviction from the hotel. If this rule is not complied with during your stay, cleaning costs will be penalized with €100

Fire extinguishers, CCTV outside property, CCTV in common areas, Smoke alarms


  1. Check-in time: rooms from 12:00 and apartments from 16:00.
  2. Schedule of Departure : 12:00 pm
  3. Cots available upon request and availability for children up to 2 years. With supplement per stay.
  4. Extra beds on request and availability with supplement.
  5. Families of 4 or 5 people can stay in two connecting rooms with two bathrooms.
  6. Consult the cancellation policies according to season and the possibility of extending your stay.
  7. Cancellation and advance payment conditions may vary depending on the type of accommodation.
  8. and check the conditions of the selected room.
  9. Clients must show photo identification and a credit card at check-in.
  10. Please notify the approximate time of arrival, so that the service is as adequate as possible.
  11. Visa, Mastercard and Maestro cards are accepted
  12. reserves the right to temporarily charge an amount before entry, which will be duly reported.
  13. Children can be accommodated of any age. It is considered an adult from the age of 12.
  14. The frequency of daily cleaning It varies according to the seasonal calendar, taking place on alternate days in low season.

If you are going to check in after hours or on a day other than the assigned shift, you must communicate it by phone: 942 711 565 or by email:

Hotel Valle de Arco ha recibido una subvención por parte del Gobierno de Cantabria, financiada por los FONDOS EUROPEOS DE DESARROLLO REGIONAL FEDER 2014-2020, como respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19. Esta subvención se ha aprovechado para insonorizar el cuarto de máquinas, reformar los baños y cocina de dos apartamentos, así como hacer mejoras en el exterior mediante la colocación de barandillas y renovación del cuarto de las bombonas de gas. Adquisición de nuevo terminal de punto de venta y nueva maquinaria (lavadora, cámaras de refrigeración). También ha permitido hacer una reforma en la cafetería para habilitar una zona de buffet de desayuno. Durante la pandemia de COVID-19 también financió la compra de los materiales de protección necesarios.